East to northeast at 5 to 10 knots.
Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.
Internal Review
If you make a request under the Freedom of Information Law and are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled to an internal review. If you believe you are entitled to an internal review, please put your appeal in writing and either e-mail or post it to the Information Manager. Include your name, address, telephone number and the reference number at the top of our letter or e-mail to you. You have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of a refusal to request an internal review. Please explain why you would like us to review our original response.
Under section 33 of the FOI Law, you may ask for an Internal Review of a response to your request:
where the decision was taken by a person other than the responsible Minister, Chief Officer or Principal Officer of the public authority.
Appeal to the Information Commissioner
If you are dissatisfied with the internal review of our decision, or an internal review was not available, you can seek an appeal from the Information Commissioner.