East to southeast at 5 to 10 knots.
Slight to moderate with a wave height of 1 to 3 feet.
The National Hurricane Committee (NHC) received a new high-speed, lightweight, multi-functional Hewlett Packard laptop computer on Thursday, 18 September. Mr. Kenny Rankine of the Paramount Group of Companies donated the new PC.
“The NHC is always keen to provide the community with the best service, in particular when it comes to advice on severe weather,” stated Acting Chief Secretary Mr. Donovan Ebanks, who is also acting chairman of the NHC. “We are very grateful for this tangible display of community support.”
“This donation comes towards the latter part of the hurricane season, which is traditionally our busiest time due to the high number of storms forming in our area.
Everyone should remember that we still have 2 ½ months remaining in the hurricane season, so now is not the time to let our guard down.”
The new laptop offers a wide range of electronic capabilities. It has a CD burner, DVD player, and a TV output that enables the computer to be connected to televisions in order to do weather and critical information presentations.
Head of Meteorological Services, Fred Sambula commented on the importance of community involvement in hurricane awareness. “This donation is a good example of co-operative efforts between private enterprise and the public service. This goes to the heart of disaster preparedness and mitigation, which is everyone’s business on our islands.”